Tippecanoe School Corporation


Enrollment Application

Enrollment for current TSC students will close on December 20 for second semester. Enrollment for students not currently enrolled at TSC will remain open.

Parent/Guardian Relationship to Studentrequired
Stu Demographics
In what language does the student primarily speak?
mm/dd/yyyy Example: 01/11/2010 (Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format)
Attach up to 1 file with a maximum size of 10MB
No file chosen
You may take a picture of the document or upload a file. 
Does the student live within the geographical boundaries of the Tippecanoe School Corporation?required
Click here to search whether the student lives in TSC's boundaries. 
Street Address, City, State Zip code
Proof of Residency
The state of Indiana requires school districts to collect proof of Indiana residency documentation for all students. To comply, we are asking you to submit documentation that shows your name and current address (parent/guardian). Documentation must show the date, parent/guardian name and an address.
Approved documentation includes:
  • Current utility bill
  • Driver's License
  • Most recent federal tax return
  • Mortgage statement
  • Loan application
  • Rental/lease agreement
  • Vehicle Registration
  • Voter Registration.                           
Attach up to 1 file with a maximum size of 10MB
No file chosen
You may take a picture of the document or upload a file. 
Academic Background
Select One
If homeschool, please enter homeschool
Street Address, City, State Zip code

Student's Interest in Online Learning:

We're excited to learn more about your child's interest in attending the Tippecanoe Online Academy. Please take a moment to share why your child is interested in this online learning opportunity.

Student's Readiness for Online Learning: Considering the unique requirements of online learning, such as self-motivation, time management, and independent study, please describe how your child possesses the qualities to be successful in this environment. This might include their ability to:

  • Manage their time effectively for online coursework.
  • Stay motivated and engaged in a virtual learning setting.
  • Work independently on assignments and projects.
Please make this person aware of your application to TOA.
Attach up to 1 file with a maximum size of 10MB
No file chosen
You may take a picture of the document or upload a file. 
Special Education: Does the student have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)? required
Authorization for Release of Special Education Records:

To ensure the provision of appropriate educational services for the student at the Tippecanoe Online Academy, we may need to request information related to their Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and associated services from their current school or educational institution.

By selecting "Yes" in the field below, you hereby authorize and consent the release of the student's special education records, including but not limited to their IEP, assessments, and any other relevant documentation, to the Tippecanoe Online Academy. This authorization is valid for the purpose of evaluating and providing appropriate educational services. 

Do you authorize the release of the student's special education records as described above? required
Section 504: Does the student have a Section 504 Plan?required
TSC Grad Pathways


Graduation Pathways
With Graduation Pathways, students are able to individualize their graduation requirements to align to their postsecondary goal of Enrollment, Employment, or Enlistment leading to service. No longer must all students fit into the same academic mold, but rather, they can choose the high school options that best meet their postsecondary needs and aspirations.
The Tippecanoe Online Academy offers the following Pathways: 
Based on these offerings, which graduation pathway would the student most likely choose. 

Graduation Pathways - Employability Skills

The State of Indiana requires high school students to demonstrate employability skills that include experiences that enable students to apply essential academic, technical, and professional skills and find engagement and relevancy in their academic careers.

At TOA, through Service-based or Work-based learning experience, students must demonstrate the Department of Workforce Development’s Employability Skills Benchmarks (or similar character development benchmarks).

The development of the student product must satisfy the four categories of employability skills:

  1. Mindsets
  2. Learning Strategies
  3. Social & Emotional Skills
  4. Work Ethic

Service-Based Learning Experience

Service-based learning (SBL) integrates meaningful service to enrich and apply academic knowledge, teach civic and personal responsibility  (and other employability skills), and strengthen communities. SBL can be classified by three core indicators:

  1. Integrating academic study with service experience
  2. Reflecting larger social, economic, and societal issues
  3. Collaborative efforts between students, schools, and community partners.

Work-Based Learning Experience

Work-based learning (WBL) is a strategy to reinforce  academic, technical, and social skills learned in the classroom through  collaborative activities with employer partners. Work-based learning  experiences allow students to apply classroom theories to practical problems,  to explore career options, and pursue personal and professional goals. 

WBL includes activities that occur in workplaces and  involve an employer assigning a student meaningful job tasks to develop his or  her skills, knowledge, and readiness for work. It supports entry or advancement  in any particular career field and can serve as the culminating course or event  in a student’s chosen career pathway. Through WBL, students have the  opportunity to apply the concepts, skills, and dispositions learned in previous  coursework in real world business or industry settings.

Incoming 9th Grade Student: Which Employability Skills option (SBL or WBL) would the student likely pursue? required
Incoming 10th-12th Grade Student: Which Employability Skills option (SBL or WBL) has the student started to pursue?required
Hours will require verification from employer or service organization upon enrollment.
Hours will require verification from employer or service organization upon enrollment.
According to IDOE, all students are required to participate in state testing. Will the student be able to attend in person standardized state testing on premises at the Tippecanoe School Corporation?required
Tech use
Enrollment at the Tippecanoe Online Academy requires access to certain technological tools to ensure a seamless educational experience. Please review the following statements and indicate your ability to meet these requirements.
Thank you
How did you hear about the Tippecanoe Online Academy